

We are offering the best pricing!

Experience the ease of our Fine Laundry booking process, designed for convenience and impeccable service.
Laundry Service
Dry Cleaning

Wash & Fold Service

48 hrs Turnaround time

Wash & Iron Service

48 hrs Turnaround time

Ezee Wash & Iron Service

24 hrs Turnaround time

Ezee Wash & Fold Service

24 hrs Turnaround time

Express Wash & Iron

24 hrs Turnaround time

Express Wash & Fold

24 hrs Turnaround time

Super Express Wash & Fold

12 hrs Turnaround time

Custom Laundry Service

24 hrs Turnaround time

Anarkali Suit

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Blanket Single

48 hrs Turnaround time

Blanket Double

48 hrs Turnaround time

Blanket Havey

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Blouse (fancy)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Blouse (work)

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Gents Suit

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Cushion Cover

48 hrs Turnaround time

Dress – Long

48 hrs Turnaround time

Dress – Small

48 hrs Turnaround time

Dupatta (fancy)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Dupatta (plain)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Gown Heavy

48 hrs Turnaround time

Gown Normal

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Jacket Medi

48 hrs Turnaround time

Heavy Jacket

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Kurta-Plain (M)

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Lahenga Bridal

48 hrs Turnaround time

Lahenga Bridal

(Single Heavy)
48 hrs Turnaround time

Leather Jacket

48 hrs Turnaround time

Mat (big)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Mat (small)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Nehru Jacket

48 hrs Turnaround time

Overcoat (L)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Overcoat (M)

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Pillow (small)

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Quilt Single

48 hrs Turnaround time

Quilt Double

48 hrs Turnaround time

Quilt Heavy

48 hrs Turnaround time

Quilt Single

48 hrs Turnaround time

Rexine Jacket

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Saree (fancy)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Saree (heavy)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Saree (plain)

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Shoes Boots

48 hrs Turnaround time

Shoes Leather

48 hrs Turnaround time

Shoes Sports

48 hrs Turnaround time

Shoes Suede

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Skirt (long)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Skirt (short)

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Sweater Light

48 hrs Turnaround time

Sweater Medium

48 hrs Turnaround time

Sweat Shirt

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Table Cover

48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

Toy (S)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Toy (M)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Toy (L)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Toy (extra large)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Trolley Bag (L)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Trolley Bag (M)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Trolley Bag (S)

48 hrs Turnaround time

Carpet per/square feet

48 hrs Turnaround time

Ladies Suit (simple)

(2 pc)
48 hrs Turnaround time

Ladies Suit (heavy)

(2 pc)
48 hrs Turnaround time

Ladies Suit (simple)

(3 pc)
48 hrs Turnaround time

Ladies Suit (heavy)

(3 pc)
48 hrs Turnaround time


48 hrs Turnaround time

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Ahen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book areIt hasear
Ahen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book areIt hasear
Ahen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book areIt hasear
Ahen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book areIt hasear
Ahen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book areIt hasear
Ahen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book areIt hasear
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